Australian photographer Yervant is considered among the best wedding photographers in the world. Every year, his WPPI Plus class gets sold out, so I consider myself one lucky gal to get a slot in his class this year. Yervant came to our classroom, strolling in casual, with no pomp and circumstance. Dressed in all black, he came carrying his own gear and no rockstar attitude. His first words were “It’s too early! And I don’t sleep!”
It was seriously refreshing to see such a passionate artist in his element, sharing anything and everything he knew about improving oneself as a photographer and as an artist. Backed by his money-savvy wife Annie, Yervant built his Melbourne studio on sheer hard work, talent and guts. The workshop was truly worth our time and money. He shared his story on how he built one of wedding industry’s most respected brands, his secret recipes for award-winning images and advice on how to develop the photographic eye. One thing he did *not* teach was how to developed his charming personality, which I’m sure is key to his relationship with brides and almost anyone he comes in contact with. Plus, one cannot talk to him without breaking out in a goofy smile. His enthusiasm was so contagious.
Plan ahead! I highly recommend taking a Yervant class for WPPI 2011. Just be ready with your mouse button finger ready at the very start of registration. As Yervant’s workshop is sure to fill up lightning fast!
In class with our model bride.
A view of the paparazzi, classmates and all. Yervant explained he once shot a wedding with one body, and one lens and one video light. This was the set-up he replicated from that wedding.
Sample of available light set-up. Here’s a snap I managed to take. No photoshop work yet, but still a pretty good place to start, methinks.
*swoon* Our groom model was absolutely perfume-ad worthy.
A light moment with top photographer Bambi Cantrell in the hallways. She was teaching another class “Couture Weddings for the Average Bride.”
Yervant walked around with us everywhere. He’d stop along the way, pointing out light patterns and shadows – little details our eyes often miss.