The VH1 reality show “The Shot” had its finale tonight. Okey, I confess. I’m pretty much a reality show junkie but I watched “The Shot” for professional reasons. Shiya…right. In a nutshell, “The Shot’ was a photographer’s version of “Top Chef,” “America’s Next Top Model” or “Project Runway”. And yes, I watch all those shows as well.
What started out to be a pretty lame show developed into something watchable. And while I can and will nitpick its finer points, I’m okey with the results and who won the show. I won’t go into details, in case you still plan on watching the reruns.
Things I learned from it:
1) Fashion Photography is a collaborative effort between photographer, client, make-up artist, art designer, model, stylist. There’s no “I” in TEAM. Duh.
2) KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Sometimes the most effective lighting set-ups are the simplest.
3) Working with a professional Victoria Secret model will improve your shot by 99% Ha!