Kevin and Zöe | Beloved Engagement

Beloved sessions always manage to blow me away. We laugh, we cry…we happy. 🙂 Yes, I invited a new verb.

The bride-to-be is Zoe and I can’t get enough of her radiant face, as she embraces her fiance Kevin. And below is my absolute favorite image from this session. I can’t spill my secrets – but the core of this image is their belief and utter joy of FINDING someone and making the connection. A true tangible connection that shakes your marrow and binds you together forever. This is truly a moment I am so honored of being able to capture in time. They are so in love! And this image just leaves me smiling!


2 Comments Kevin and Zöe | Beloved Engagement

  1. Angelina July 7, 2011 at 8:12 pm

    Fabulous Sweetheart !!
    You captured such emotion and beauty & love.
    Hope all is well.

  2. Gen July 20, 2011 at 11:04 am

    Auey, that first photo is fabulous. 🙂 Nice work!


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