The summer just flew by and my poor blog has been neglected once again. I’ve been writing a post in my head, assembling the “Best of Summer 2011” images but for now, that’s all it is. Just in my head. In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about mothering, friendships and my dear friend Minh.
Back story: I met Minh through in 2008. Our Fremont/Union City mother’s group was assembled one day, over coffee and bagels at Panera Bread. We were strangers yet it didn’t take long for us to recognize our commonality. We either had babies on our laps, in our slings or in our bellies. We were all pretty much sleep deprived and struggling. We shared laughs and giggles over crazy-fun parenting stories, all while balancing breastfeeding and nurturing our own minds and bodies. We bonded over everything and formed our little tribe of mother support. When our kids started walking, we formed a baby cooperative that met once a week at the Newark Library. I’ll never forget those days of circle time, storytelling and parachute dancing. Fun times, for sure. It seemed like an endless flurry of singing “I am a Pizza” and “Slippery Fish.”
I took it for granted that Minh lived just around the corner from me . Many swing pushes and blueberry-banana bread loaves later, we found we had more common than just being parents. We both had a healthy appreciation for food (she cooked, I ate), yoga and pilates, books (still muddling through Ayn Rand!) desire to travel and the struggles/joys of being a small business owner.
My family moved to Oakland Hills in 2010 and life does that thing it does – it got busy. I left my Fremont mom friends behind and kept in touch via Facebook. When I have a rare spare moment or two, I scroll through their FB walls, scribble a quick note and maybe wince a little when I see photos of them, without me – but happy to see the babies growing up, happy and healthy.
It came to attention (via FB) that Minh is moving away. And not just to San Jose, or maybe to the East Coast – but all the way to Shanghai, China. Her hubby is being relocated for work and of course, the entire family will come along. I’m excited for her, at the idea of her kids become citizens of the world and being exposed to great cultural experiences. And while it’s a great opportunity, it won’t change the fact that I’ll miss her dearly.
So anyway, I’m incredibly thankful that she asked me take these photos of her family before this epic move across the globe. The images were taken a few days shy from giving birth, and later when her son was 2 weeks old. Thank you for allowing me to photograph this special time in your family’s life. I had the pleasure of documenting your pregnancy, your latest addition, and also the time, on the brink of a new adventure ahead in China. Bon Voyage, my friend!
Beautiful!!! You’re such a talented photographer, Auey. 🙂