Mondy + Sheryl E-session | Golden Gate Park

“Family of the Day”. That would be the groom-to-be Mondy, his finace Sheryl and ME. Let me explain. It was e-session day and we did the usual Golden Gate Park venues — de Young, Japanese Tea Garden, Music Concourse.  And we were winding down our little e-session at Golden Gate Park with a last minute visit to the California Academy of Sciences.  I wasn’t aware that there was a raffle drawing for all the attendees of the Academy within the first five minutes of it’s opening. The prize: being named Family of the Day and cute buttons saying it so, a free lunch at the Academy Cafe, jump-the-line privileges and the chance to bang the GONG. So cool. By pure luck of the draw, we heard our number called and within minutes we were ushered to go the second floor and do the honors. It was such a great way to end our engagement session. Right after the last image was shot, they headed straight to the Planetarium.

Thanks for the wonderful time, Sheryl and Mondy. Here are some of my favorite images from the day.

Sheryl doing the honors. 

The crowds below waiting for the Academy to officially open.

2 Comments Mondy + Sheryl E-session | Golden Gate Park

  1. kel April 1, 2010 at 7:00 pm

    love the aquarium shot!

  2. Pingback: The fans demand it. » Photograffiti by Auey Santos | Blog | San Francisco Bay Area Photography

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