FADE IN MUSIC: “Reminiscing” by the Little River Band.
I am currently going through my archives of photos because I’m in the process of revamping my website and need new/old material. It’s often humbling (and sometimes, comical!) to see my work from 6 years back and see how much my style has changed and developed. I came across this 2004 wedding and had to repost it here. It’s not often you get a chance to shoot a wedding as unique as this one. A Lord of the Rings Themed Wedding.
It was held on May 1, 2004 at the University of the Philippines Lagoon. The on-line wedding album has been often linked to Lord of the Rings fansites. Photos from this wedding have been published twice: in a Manila Bulletin About Weddings premiere edition and in a Canadian wedding zine. You could say it was my wedding of the year.
And while I examine the photos and see all the technical flaws and noise from Suzi (my now retired Fuji S1), I also see the labor of love and sheer joy shared during creative unique wedding on that hot May evening. I am happy to hear the couple are still together and still share in their love of Tolkien.
Lorie & Nathan: The Wedding
One Ring to Show Our Love
One Ring to Bind Us
One Ring to Seal our Love
And Forever to Entwine Us.
Mead offering and Cake Plate
Saruman (Usher) guarding the gates.
The Ringbearers – Frodo and Sam
All the groomsmen…
Pretty Maidens in a Row
Getting married Middle-earth style: under a blanket of trees.
A moment.
Officiated by Gandalf. Yes, he is a real priest.