I'm Certified! Yay me.

I’ve always been a little insecure about my photography. I like my work and I know my clients like my images too (otherwise they would not hire me) but I’ve always felt this void where I felt I should have a photography degree. Growing up, I was always into the arts and was constantly drawing and painting. My mother tells me photography was the first profession I wanted, at age 4. (Of course, in between childhood and college – there was lawyer, teacher, nurse, doctor, guitarist and newscaster.) But somehow I managed to find my way back to the path to photography. And FINALLY, finally, after 2 years from passing my PPA Certification written exam – I can now call myself a certified professional photographer. I received my letter from PPA that I passed the image review of 20 images! After failing the image review three times prior, I had already convinced myself that it was no big deal if I didn’t get certified. But I knew in my heart it was something I wanted to achieve. I should have been consoled by that fact that only about 3% of those who take the exam pass. But every six months of receiving an encouraging but FAIL notice, I was ready to throw in the towel. I cried each time, but my husband’s resolve was strong. He told me to keep trying. And thanks to help from friends like Marc Benjamin and Claudia Akers, I got solid feedback on my submissions and tried once more. I paid attention to every single detail on the images, checking my lighting patterns, pushing myself to master the craft. And FINALLY — I passed! Whew – and yes, it is important. And it IS a big deal, to me. Say hello to Auey Santos, CPP. I’m so darn proud of myself. If you are considering getting certified, go for it!  I hate to say I needed the validation, but I did and from PPA, no less.

For more information on the Certified Professional Photographer Program, click here.

2 Comments I'm Certified! Yay me.

  1. alekiel September 25, 2009 at 10:46 am

    way to go Auey!!! i’m soooo proud of you! you’re an amazing photographer and now you have the “paper” to prove it. hehehe. take care and see you soon my friend. mwah!!!

  2. Paul Burchfield September 25, 2009 at 6:03 pm

    Congratulations Auey!


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