Getting Personal and Ditching Facebook

I recently read somewhere that blogs are slowly dying and that people are blogging less and alternatively, posting their photos to Facebook. And I absolutely *refuse* to believe let this go down without a fight. But the truth is I’ve contributed to the death of blogs as well. For one,  I’ve stopped posting any personal in my blog but I believe I  have two good reasons. #1) I wanted to (borrow Offspring lyric) “Keep it Separated” and keep  the blog business-like and assign my Facebook account to my personal stuff and #2) I think my personal photos suck. There, I said it.

Ok, okey. Neither is completely true. Like most photographer-moms, the line often blurs between family life and photography life. I desperately want to capture great moments of my kids growing up. Yet, I don’t want to get lost taking photos, and miss out on the actual savouring of the moment. Sometimes I just want to live, be and feel the experience. The result is that I rarely bring out my SLR on family outings and try to make do with my puny iPhone camera or my much-needed-to-be replaced Finepix E900.  As for the first lame reason, clients have become friends and friends have become clients. So mostly, my Facebook friends are exposed to my lame personal photos as well.

I’m going to blur the lines further and finally post some personal photos on my blog. Personally, I like reading blogs more. There’s more to read —  more meat, more story, more fun. I hope you like my family photos. And even if you don’t, I don’t care cuz I enjoyed living in the moment. So there. <insert smile here>

Wanna bet you reached this blog entry through Facebook? How ironic is that?

So…here we go.

One cloudy Wednesday, Milo, Tita Reitch and I head to Berkeley for a morning of fun. Habitot awaits but the BIG event is actually the BART ride. Milo is obsessed with trains and just look at his face.

So, we get to the musuem and we have an arts and crafts class waiting for us. Here’s Milo, being all Jackson Pollock-like.

The quintessential group photo, with my beautiful mommy-friends and Milo’s toddler-friends. Aren’t we a fetching bunch? 

Milo being all Rodin-like now.

Later that weekend, we find ourselves in the area again and head to Tilden Park. It was a challenge finding the steam engines but oh joy, totally worth it.

And the following week – we go attend a Cub Scout activity at Hiller Aviation Museum. Our pack is actually #273, I got the wrong photo. Two packs of cub scouts came that day. And look, there’s a big fat dust particle in the middle of my CCD. Double blooper!
Anyway, Hiller Avation Museum was awesome. We learned so much about the first flights and how airplanes fly. Did you know the first plane flight in America actually took place in Burlingame, CA  – many years before the famed Wright Brothers flight in Kitty HawK? True story! Just one of the interesting factoids we learned today.

Nort was the best tour guide!

Wanna bet you are looking for the “like” button? Go on…leave some blog love in the comment box. You know you want to. Thanks for reading!

2 Comments Getting Personal and Ditching Facebook

  1. Cathee February 6, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    I was hit between the eyes there…there’s truth to that somehow…what with the ease of uploading photos and updating everyone in cyberspace with happenings in your life. That is the value of facebook for me, I guess. But like you, I won’t accept that blogging is a dying “art”. I’m guilty of leaving my two older blogs to dust in cyberspace but beginning of this year, I took on Xtine’s challenge for Project 365 and I’m thankful that so far, I’m doing good on it. I’ve finally found a way to maintain my blog, do an online diary of sorts and update everyone about life’s happenings.

    I guess if we just took extra effort in writing down our thoughts, blogging will remain to be a powerful tool of communication in cyberspace.

  2. Robbie Schlosser February 8, 2010 at 10:51 am

    Hi Auey,

    I LOVE this blogpost and your wonderful, expressive photos! And though the balance in popularity between Facebooking and blogging keeps shifting, I completely agree with your observation about blurring the edge between business and personal messages. The more I “take care of business”, the more I see my business relationships consider who I am as a person, rather than just what service I provide. Similarly, the deeper my personal relationships grow, the more my friends consider how I make a living as part of the whole me.

    Now I’m looking forward to your next message, whether it’s on Facebook or your blog. 🙂



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