Category Maternity

My friend Minh

The summer just flew by and my poor blog has been neglected once again. I’ve been writing a post in my head, assembling the “Best of Summer 2011” images but for now, that’s all it is. Just in my head. In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about mothering, friendships and my dear friend… Read More

Fine Art Maternity Nude

There’s nothing more beautiful to me than the female form. But add on the fabulousity of pregnancy, and you up the ante tenfold. It’s a real honor for me when a client entrusts me to shoot their nude portrait and even more, allow me to post their images on my blog. So this blog post… Read More

Sylvia's Having a Baby!

A good photographer friend of mine, Sylvia is 38 weeks on the family way! I was tickled pink and a bit nervous to photograph her and her gorgeous family. It’s always a little daunting to shoot a fellow photographer, especially one as talented as she is. But I was up to the challenge as headed… Read More

Tricia and Baby #2

Tricia and her daughter Addy are members of the same momsgroup/playgroup I belong to.  Since most of the kids are approaching their two year old mark, it’s only natural that a lot of the moms are expecting baby #2. And the cycle begins once more! I was so pleased and honored to be asked to… Read More

Baby Bing

I just like the way the title sounds. And apologies to any fans of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. My dear friend Bing is expecting Baby #2 and of course, I had to take her preggy photos! Like most second-time pregnant women (including me), Bing was more receptive to having her photo taken compared to her first pregnancy. I’m… Read More

Corinne's Having a Baby!

There’s something so special about maternity sessions that totally humbles me. Just last night, I was watching “In the Motherhood” and one of the characters was asking what makes the pregnant woman so special. Why does carrying a life make you want to give them free stuff, and treat them like godesses? Is it their… Read More