Category Inspiration

To be seen.

Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. In my own personal journey, I’ve now painfully aware of the importance to make others feel seen.

Why is it important to be seen?

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Bridal Inspiration: Hollywood Glam Wedding at the Fox Theater

  A film theatre as a reception venue?! With scores of hotels and resorts to choose from, a film theatre isn’t the first venue that springs to the minds of engaged couples planning their fantasy wedding. Yet once this offbeat choice captures the imagination, like a good movie, it will simply not let go. There’s… Read More

Spot the Difference!

As a kid, I remember being obsessed with Spot the Difference games, published in the cartoon section of the Sunday newspaper. Yes, I was already pretty detail obsessed as a kid, and it helped develop eagle eyes which serve me well in my current career. Today, I created  my own version of Spot the Difference… Read More

Tribute to my Mom

Project for Multimedia Storytelling Class at UC Berkeley Extension under Elizabeth Lim Happy Mother’s Day to all the sleep-deprived, overwhelmed, hard-working superwomen of the world. Especially my own mother, who raised us four kids singlehandedly. Such a beautiful person – inside and out. I love you, Mom. xoxo Auey

Thoughts, post WPPI 2011

I have been dragging my butt writing a new blogpost, while still basking in the post-WPPI glow that one gets after a week-long immersion in everything photography. After this yearly sabbatical, I had to jump right into work and catch up on editing, scheduling shoots, taxes (ugh) and relearning my children’s names (joke). But finally, here… Read More